Discover a few “DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS” every carpet retailer hopes you never learn…
- Save Thousands by simply “vacuuming’ your carpet or upholstery at minimum
twice a week. Eighty percent 80% of the soil in your carpet is sand (Quartz) and sand scratches face yarns. These scratches then affect the way light reflects from your carpet and ultimately the way color is seen by the human eye. Frequent vacuuming removes these abrasive materials which extends the “life and beauty” of your carpet.- FiberCARE Recommends: Always using a ‘commercial’ grade vacuum cleaner such as the “Royal Conquest” which offers superior airflow and will outperform any “retail” vacuum cleaner on the market. If you’re not sure about this, give us a call and we would be happy to supply you with a loaner model to help you make an intelligent and informed decision.
- Never use “Plastic” runners to protect hallways or stairways. Using these products will lead to permanent damage on your carpet when the plastic spikes at the bottom become permanent dimples on the carpet face yarns. This damage cannot be “clean” away and the only remedy is to purchase new carpeting.
- FiberCARE Recommends: Always re-applying a high quality Carpet and Upholstery protector to protect textiles against unwanted spots and stains. High quality carpet and upholstery protectors come with the following qualities and protection.
- The protector is made from a ‘Teflon’ base which coats, seals and protects fibers like the ‘Teflon’ found on pots and pans without attracting soils.
- Your protectors must ‘repel’ water-based soils such as soft drinks and other drinks found on the market.
- Your protector must also ‘repel’ oil-based soils such as asphalt and other oily soils we tend to track into our homes with our shoes.
- Of course, it MUST ‘repel’ dry soils such as sand which is extremely common in El Paso.
- Last, a quality protector will contain ‘ACID DYE RESISTORS’ that seal open dye sites on fibers that can accept ‘new’ colors added to the carpet when accidents happen that involve drinks like Kool Aid or Red Wine.
- FiberCARE Recommends: Always re-applying a high quality Carpet and Upholstery protector to protect textiles against unwanted spots and stains. High quality carpet and upholstery protectors come with the following qualities and protection.
- Aways use a CARPET BRUSH before vacuuming to loosen dry soils that have adhered to the carpet fibers. Agitating these soils will allow your vacuum cleaner to remove more soil.
- FiberCARE Recommends: Using a Grandi Brush on your carpet. It is a FABULOUS solution for removing pet hair and other dry soil particulate found on carpet. A hand brush version is also available for upholstery and stairs.
- Never “Spray” any spotting solution directly into a “spot”. We all learned to treat spots this way, but it’s the worse thing you can do. Applying a cleaner directly on the spot will remove the surface tension and allow the soil to migrate deeper into the carpet. Then you end up with 2 problems instead of 1 because you then have to figure out how to get the soil back to the surface. Instead apply your cleaner into a ‘white’ towel and tamp it over the spot until it releases.
- FiberCARE Recommends: Use our ‘INCREDIBLE’ Extremely Clean Spotter which is tough on spots and “safe” on carpet. Unlike other products on the market, it does not contain BLEACH or SOLVENTS that provide instant gratification, but causes recurring spots that re-appear within days.
- All the floors in your home are a “FLOORING SYSTEM” and what that means is that the cleaners you apply to one surface affect the other. Many times we use cleaners on tile such as “Pinesol”, “Fabuloso” and the “Swiffer” that leads to unnecessary traffic lanes from residues at transition points between tile and carpet.
Those dark traffic lanes are residue caused from cleaners that have been tracked onto carpet.